The month of October resonates with La Fiesta De Amistad in the Del Rio community! Our celebration this year will focus on the reason Fiesta De Amistad was created, which was the signing of the treaty to construct Amistad Dam.
On October 24, 1960, US President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Mexico’s President Adolfo Lopez Mateos met in Ciudad Acuna, Coahuila Mexico to sign the treaty to construct Amistad Dam.
Since our modern day Fiesta celebration, has its origin in this 1960 meeting, this will be the focus of our celebration this year. We have heard the saying “Go Big or Go Home!”
At IGNC’s first meeting this year, we made grand plans for Fiesta De Amistad commemorating the 62nd anniversary of the signing of the treaty to construct Amistad Dam.
This grand celebration calls for all guests of honor to be none other than our citizens. We have all been through so much with the pandemic taking loved ones and our having to shelter in place, that now it is time to celebrate responsibly as we recall the importance of this traditional and cultural event that has brought past presidents to our community: In 1960 President Eisenhower visited Del Rio and Ciudad Acuna to sign the treaty; in 1965 President Lyndon Baines Johnson came to check on the progress and in 1969 President Richard Nixon came to dedicate and officially open Amistad Dam and reservoir for business!
The International Good Neighbor Council has been commemorating and celebrating this momentous occasion year after year with the traditional Abrazo on the beautiful Amistad Dam with its eagles and national flags gleaming in the sunshine. No other venue could give this event justice. This year we will again be holding our Abrazo on October 21st! Viva la Fiesta De Amistad!

DORA G. ALCALÁ, Vice-President IGNC & Abrazo Event Chair
DORA G. ALCALÁ, Vicepresidenta IGNC & Presidenta del Evento del Abrazo
¡62 años de celebrar la Fiesta de la Amistad!
¡El mes de octubre resuena con la Fiesta de Amistad en la comunidad de Del Río! Nuestra celebración de este año se centrará en la razón por la cual se creó la Fiesta de Amistad, que fue la firma del tratado para construir la Presa La Amistad.
El 24 de octubre de 1960, el Presidente de los Estados Unidos, Dwight D. Eisenhower, y el Presidente de México, Adolfo López Mateos, se reunieron en Ciudad Acuña, Coahuila, México, para firmar el tratado para construir la Presa La Amistad.
Dado que nuestra celebración de la Fiesta moderna tiene su origen en esta reunión de 1960, este será el enfoque de nuestra celebración este año. Hemos escuchado el dicho “¡Vete a lo grande o vete a casa!”
En la primera reunión de IGNC este año, hicimos grandes planes para la Fiesta de la Amistad que conmemora el 62 aniversario de la firma del tratado para construir la Presa La Amistad.
Esta gran celebración exige que todos los invitados de honor no sean otros que nuestros ciudadanos. Todos hemos pasado por tanto con la pandemia que se llevó a los seres queridos y el tener que refugiarnos en el lugar, que ahora es el momento de celebrar con responsabilidad mientras recordamos la importancia de este evento tradicional y cultural que ha traído a presidentes anteriores a nuestra comunidad: En 1960 El Presidente Eisenhower visitó Del Río y Ciudad Acuña para firmar el tratado; en 1965, el Presidente Lyndon Baines Johnson vino a verificar el progreso y en 1969, el Presidente Richard Nixon vino a dedicar e inaugurar oficialmente la Presa La Amistad y el embalse para los negocios.
El Consejo Internacional de la Buena Vecindad ha estado conmemorando y celebrando esta trascendental ocasión año tras año con el tradicional abrazo en la hermosa Presa La Amistad con sus águilas y banderas nacionales brillando bajo el sol. Ningún otro lugar podría hacerle justicia a este evento. ¡Este año nuevamente realizaremos nuestro abrazo el 21 de octubre! ¡Viva la Fiesta de la Amistad!
62 years of celebrating Fiesta de Amistad!
The month of October resonates with La Fiesta De Amistad in the Del Rio community! Our celebration this year will focus on the reason Fiesta De Amistad was created, which was the signing of the treaty to construct Amistad Dam.
On October 24, 1960, US President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Mexico’s President Adolfo Lopez Mateos met in Ciudad Acuna, Coahuila Mexico to sign the treaty to construct Amistad Dam.
Since our modern day Fiesta celebration, has its origin in this 1960 meeting, this will be the focus of our celebration this year. We have heard the saying “Go Big or Go Home!”
At IGNC’s first meeting this year, we made grand plans for Fiesta De Amistad commemorating the 62nd anniversary of the signing of the treaty to construct Amistad Dam.
This grand celebration calls for all guests of honor to be none other than our citizens. We have all been through so much with the pandemic taking loved ones and our having to shelter in place, that now it is time to celebrate responsibly as we recall the importance of this traditional and cultural event that has brought past presidents to our community: In 1960 President Eisenhower visited Del Rio and Ciudad Acuna to sign the treaty; in 1965 President Lyndon Baines Johnson came to check on the progress and in 1969 President Richard Nixon came to dedicate and officially open Amistad Dam and reservoir for business!
The International Good Neighbor Council has been commemorating and celebrating this momentous occasion year after year with the traditional Abrazo on the beautiful Amistad Dam with its eagles and national flags gleaming in the sunshine. No other venue could give this event justice. This year we will again be holding our Abrazo on October 21st! Viva la Fiesta De Amistad!